Annette Eychner-R-SweetwaterNOW

Tell us a little about yourself.

Sweetwater County is my home. I was born and raised in Green River, as were my parents, children and grandchildren.

I am currently employed with the State of Wyoming within the Judicial Offices. This position has given me an extensive and clear understanding of the internal structure and duties of the Clerk of District Court’s office as outlined in the Wyoming Statues. I am confident in my qualifications and have extensive training, knowledge and experience with personnel management, record keeping, budgets, legal documents as well as State and County policies and procedures.

Public service has been a common thread throughout my life. I have volunteered for many fundraisers and organizations. I currently serve on the Supervisory Committee and the Board of Directors of Trona Valley Credit Union.

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My family loves the outdoors and exploring the scenery throughout Sweetwater County – The Green River, White Mountain, Flaming Gorge Lake, Killpecker Sand Dunes, Boars Tusk, etc.

What do you see as the most important issues in your candidacy and how will you address them?

I am going to make access to the District Court Clerk’s office as convenient as possible by utilizing the newly designed office that is no longer in use. In 2018, the incumbent stated that she “would be splitting the office and putting staff in a different location”. She also stated that “this office would be more convenient for individuals that need to pick up a packet, passport application, make payments, etc. a quick trip to the office instead of walking through the courthouse looking for our office.” (SweetwaterNOW – September 1, 2018) Unfortunately, the second office is no longer being utilized therefore eliminating the convenience of those needing the services of this office.

Passport services and having a Notary Public for legal documents are no longer available at this office making this a hardship for the residents of Sweetwater County. I intend to bring these services back, along with any other services that prove to be beneficial to meet the needs of the public.

Over the past 20+ years, I have found that this office has failed to meet the ADA standards by providing handicap access. This is something that I feel strongly about and those individuals with disabilities should have access to this and all County Offices. Public Service means look out for one another and making accommodations for our elderly, disabled and those in need.

I have the desire to make a difference. I have the confidence knowing that I have the skills, training, and experience to fulfill this position. I have made the decision to run for the position of the Clerk of District Court. I will uphold the rules and abide by Wyoming statues. I will not involve the staff or this office or use this office for personal gain as per Wyoming Statue;

9-13-105. Misuse of office.
(a) A public official, public member or public employee shall not use public funds, time, personnel, facilities, or equipment for private benefit or that of another unless the use is authorized by law.

The demand of this office requires a strong and knowledgeable leader who can work cooperatively with the public, the Judicial Offices and all associated agencies. I have the ability to evaluate, streamline and adapt. I am confident that I can find ways to eliminate improperly filed documents, the untimely processing of appeals, lost files, and the misfiling of confidential documents. I wholeheartedly believe that all county officials should be held at a higher standard while constantly making improvements and not expecting this to be a retirement position. The people of Sweetwater County deserve to receive exceptional service and a positive atmosphere within a timely manner. I am that person!

I am asking for your vote so that I may develop an office that provides accurate, honest, fresh ideas, and efficient services to all residents of Sweetwater County, while working tirelessly to ensure a flawless transition.

How can voters contact you?

[email protected] or 307-870-8008.

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