Area school districts discuss plans for American Rescue Plan funding

GREENE CO., Ind. (WTWO / WAWV) – Indiana public schools collectively received nearly $ 1.8 billion from the Biden government’s American rescue plan.

Vigo County received $ 30 million, Vincennes $ 6 million, and Eastern Greene received just over $ 1 million in federal funding.

$ 30 million in federal funds allocated to schools in Vigo County

Trent Provo, superintendent of Eastern Greene Schools, said they had started discussing various spending options.

“I think this next round will focus on cleaning and making sure we do a good job cleaning,” he said. “A social emotional training for students and parents. Many other plans are still pending. “

The funding enables schools to reimburse unexpected costs as a result of COVID-19 and meet all infrastructure requirements.

Greg Parsley, superintendent of Vincennes Community Schools, said they could use the funds for renovation projects.

“It becomes this added value that we can further refine our internal activities. As I said, we’re reimbursing some of the things we’ve already spent money on. But if I look at the Washington Learning Academy building, we can better match this building with our other buildings in Vincennes. It won’t happen overnight, ”he explained.

For the schools in Vigo County, Superintendent Rob Haworth said they are still in the early planning stages.

“Some goals that we achieved that we thought would take five years, we achieved in five months. There is a great deal of responsibility involved in spending on these federal funds, ”noted Haworth. “I think we need to get back into strategic planning in May to say exactly where we think these dollars should be spent.”

Parsley said without funding, certain projects may have been pushed back.

“This is an opportunity to do some of the capital project tasks that we likely looked at in 2023, 2024. Instead, we can move these projects up based on Esser funding,” Parsley said.

Provo said he looks forward to what administrators can come up with that will benefit students over the long term.

“It fills these holes and gaps that we had for children and teachers. We’re taking the limitations we had and turning them into “Wow, we can do some things here”. “

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