Provo to hold city budget retreat, will be streamed for viewers | News, Sports, Jobs

Courtesy of Provo City

Large windows give a view of the new tarmac at the almost completed Provo Airport terminals, a major capital project.

The Provo City Council will hold a priorities retreat at 3 pm Tuesday at the Provo Power Board Room, 251 W. 800 North.

The council will be discussing two items, the upcoming fiscal year 2023 budget and budget priorities, plus a discussion on federal American Rescue Plan Act funds.

City departments have given budget request presentations over the past two months in city council meetings and now it’s time for the council to start vetting those requests.

The council has until the second meeting in June to determine the budget, as the budget year begins July 1.

The adjusted budget voted on for fiscal year 2022 was $304,140,333. The council voted unanimously to adopt the proposed budget. This spring, a new airport terminal will open and the new city hall will have its ribbon cutting in early July. Both have been major capital improvement projects for the city.

The administrative budget team will be meeting with the city administration to monitor and plan for the following: revenue needs and forecasts, budget expenses and shortfalls, merit increases, retirement, health insurance, operation and maintenance needs, capital needs, vehicle replacement, outsourcing, and adequacy of fees and taxes.

Members of the community who would like to watch the budget discussion between the council may view it on the regular city council sites, including YouTube and Facebook.

The public also can listen to the meeting by phone by dialing 346-248-7799. Enter Meeting ID 854 9771 8574 and press the pound sign. When asked for a participant ID, press pound again.


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