Eco-Smart Money Saving Tips for Ogdenites During National Garden Week | lifestyle

Ogden may be a little hot, but happy National Garden Week. If you’re planning on using your green thumb this week, I have a few tips for you to save some money while helping our environment in Ogden.

First, consider planting a mix of perennials and annuals in Ogden. This gives you that very special dash of festive color in your garden and saves you money at the same time. The perennials will add to your flowering each year and can reduce your plant replacement costs in the long run.

Second, consider adding some xeriscape plants to your garden. Saving water is environmentally friendly here in Ogden. There are a number of lush xeriscape plants that have beautiful flowers and don’t need a lot of water to thrive. Ask your neighborhood nursery for suggestions for water-saving landscaping.

Finally, you should replace your plant sprinkler system with an inexpensive, water-saving drip irrigation system. Drip irrigation is an easy, do-it-yourself method of delivering water directly to your plants with no water splash and waste. It can also help you save money on your Ogden water bill as less water is wasted.

According to the US Drought Monitor, last year’s drought was the worst we’ve seen in two decades. Things are not looking much better in Ogden this year. However, some targeted Green Thumb projects during National Garden Week not only help the environment by saving water, but also save money at the same time!

Becky Marsh is the District Manager at Wells Fargo.

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