FAA fines passenger on flight from Salt Lake City fined $9K for not wearing mask

Photo: US Food & Drug Administration

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Aug. 19, 2021 (Gepahrdt Daily) – The Federal Aviation Administration has released its latest list of fines imposed on recalcitrant passengers – and it has a man flying out of Salt Lake City on it.

The passenger was fined $ 9,000 after a Delta Air Lines flight on February 20, 2021 from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Long Beach, California for allegedly refusing to follow the instructions of the crew Wear a face mask to comply, according to a press release from the FAA.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s FAA has proposed an additional $ 531,545 in civil fines against 34 airline passengers for allegedly recalcitrant behavior, bringing the total to more than $ 1 million for 2021, the press release said. As of January 1, 2021, the FAA has received approximately 3,889 reports of recalcitrant behavior from passengers, including approximately 2,867 reports of passengers refusing to adhere to the state mask mandate.

“Today’s fines are part of the agency’s Zero Tolerance campaign against unruly passenger behavior,” says the press release. “In early August, the FAA sent a letter to the airports asking them to coordinate more closely with local law enforcement agencies to pursue outrageous cases. The FAA has no law enforcement powers. The letter also called for the airports to work to prevent passengers from bringing take-away alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft. “

The FAA launched a public awareness campaign to connect with passengers, flight attendants, pilots and travelers on the issue.

The highest fine imposed on a passenger on a JetBlue Airways flight on the 24th for refusing to sit down; Lying on the floor in the aisle, refused to get up, then grabbed a flight attendant by the ankles and thrust his head into her skirt. The passenger was placed in flexi cuffs and the flight made an emergency landing in Richmond, Virginia.

Federal law prohibits disrupting the flight crew or physically assaulting or attacking the flight crew or anyone on an aircraft, the press release said. Passengers will be punished under civil law for such misconduct that can endanger the safety of the flight by disturbing or distracting the cabin crew from their safety obligations. In addition, federal law provides for criminal fines and incarceration for passengers who interfere with the performance of a crew member’s duties by assaulting or intimidating that crew member.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Transportation Safety Agency and the Department of Transportation reminded the traveling public on the 14th of public transportation that goes to, from within, or out of the United States,” the news release said. “Masks are also required at US traffic hubs such as airports and train stations.”

Passengers have 30 days from receipt of the FAA’s letter of enforcement to respond to the agency. The FAA does not identify anyone against whom it is proposing civil sanctions.

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